
  • Aloha Committee

    As the word suggests we want to spread our Aloha to parishioners and visitors.  We would like all to feel that celebrating the liturgy at St. Theresa is special.  First impressions are important.  We “show the love of Jesus to members and guests coming to church.

    We station “greeters” at both entrances to the church for both Sunday morning masses.  They engage those attending, trying to make them feel welcome.  Additionally, greeters are positioned to answer questions of those attending.

    A welcome party is held quarterly at the rectory to provide a formal welcome and to provide information on ministries.  Care and comfort cards are sent to families who have lost loved ones, families who have relatives hospitalized or have extended illnesses.

    We are looking at “appreciation” events to thank those involved in ministry.  “Pot Luck” meals work very well for this purpose.


    Betty Arsuaga


  • Altar Care

    This small, behind the scene, group cares for altar linens. They launder and press altar covers as well as purificators used by Extraordinary Ministers in offering the Precious Blood to communicants during mass. This behind the scene group offers a significant service by keeping  altar linens pure and presentable.


    Myla Onellion 



  • Environment

    This group is responsible for altar decoration.  We are blessed, in Hawaii, with flowers and greenery all year round.  This enhances our altar in all seasons. 

    This committee decorates with seasonal colors.   Beautiful material graces each side of the altar.  They provide and place all plant and flower decoration.  The committee continually cares for all plants with water, plant food and trimming.

    Decoration is particularly special for Easter and Christmas Seasons.


    Maka Falekaono

    808-879-4844, ext. 21 


  • Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion


    This ministry offers a very rewarding opportunity to provide the Eucharist to those in the community unable to attend mass.  For the sick, reception of communion is not only a privilege but also a sign of support and concern shown by the community for members who are ill.  This is a wonderful way for ministers to fulfill our Christian obligation to visit the sick, and provide a significant sign of unity among the community.

    When it is determined that a homebound person is interested in receiving the Eucharist, a minister is identified to deliver it.

    A pyx can be obtained from the church office to carry the Eucharist.   The minister presents the pyx to the celebrant before mass.  It is placed on the altar to receive the consecrated Eucharist.  After communion the celebrant calls up the minister from the congregation to receive the pyx.

    • In the residence of the homebound person a typical procedure would be:
    • After visiting with the person, stand
    • Let us pray for the coming of the kingdom as Jesus taught us:  The Lord’s Prayer…
    • Showing the Eucharist, “Behold the Lamb of God, behold Him who takes away the sins of the world."
    •          Response – “Lord, I am not worthy that you should come under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed."
    •     Offering the Precious Body of Christ - “The Body of Christ” (depending on the sick individual the Eucharist used may be a very small portion of a wafer).
    •          Response – “Amen
    •     After Communion
    •          “Lord, may this Eucharist increase within us the healing power of your love.  May it guide and direct our efforts to please You in all things.  We ask this thought Christ the Lord.  Father, your Son accepted our sufferings to teach us the virtue of patience in human illness.  Hear the prayer we offer for __________________.  May all who suffer pain, illness or disease realize that they are chosen to be saints, and know that they are joined to Christ is His sufferings for the salvation of the world.  Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever.
    •     After some silence
    •     A reading from scripture for the day
    •     A personal prayer for the individual
    •     Closing  -  “In the Name of the Father, of the Son and the Holy Spirit”


    This ministry is very similar to delivering the Eucharist to the homebound, except that here the minister must accommodate hospital procedure.

    Training for this ministry if provided by the hospital.  The hospital is keenly interested in being sensitive to the wants and needs of all patients.  Ministers can not distribute communion, or offer to pray with patients, without this training.

    St. Theresa parish supports delivering communion, and praying with patients in the hospital on Saturdays each week.  Ministers commonly go to the hospital in pairs since there are sometimes as many as 40 Catholic patients.  They are usually scheduled on the order of once per month.

    Ministers go to the church sacristy to obtain the tabernacle key, and to the chapel to obtain a sufficient amount of consecrated Holy Eucharist.  The ministers check in at the front desk at the hospital to obtain a badge and get a list of Catholics.  Visits are made during hospital visiting hours only. 

    Ministers then check at the nurses’ station to determine if there are any dietary restrictions for the patient to be visited.  Entering the patient’s room they greet the patient and any visitors, offering to pray with them, or offer the Most Holy Eucharist.

    Ministers are provided with a card showing an appropriate prayerful procedure for offering The Eucharist (similar to the procedure in visiting the homebound), or for just praying with the patient.

  • Hospitality Committee

    By being hospitable to visitors and parishioners alike St. Theresa desires to provide a positive Sunday experience.  Worship is complimented by friendly meetings over light refreshments after mass.  We hope to add to the encounter with Jesus people have not only through the liturgy but also by becoming a part of the community.

    We offer coffee, tea and juice along with pastries after both the 7:00 AM and 9:30 AM Sunday Masses. This complimentary service is particularly aimed at visitors.  It provides an opportunity for parishioners to welcome visitors.  It also is an opportunity for parishioners to enjoy each other.


    Kathy Holland


  • Liturgy & Music

    Daily Mass Ministers

    For daily mass ministers are needed to serve as lectors, altar servers and Extraordinary ministers.  Daily Mass Ministers rotate these ministries for one week durations.  Typically, even the altar servers are adults.

    Lectors serve both as readers “Proclaiming the Word” as well as leading the attendees in song.  One lector covers the mass for both readings.

    Altar servers minister in street clothes, unlike Sunday Mass servers who wear cassocks.

    Typically, there are three Extraordinary ministers in addition to the celebrant, two ministers for the Precious Blood, one besides the celebrant, for the Most Holy Eucharist.

    Altar Servers

    Altar Servers assist the priest in the celebration of the Mass in the sanctuary.  They are usually young people, aged 9 or older, having received their First Holy Communion, both boys and girls.  This ministry offers young people the opportunity to become an active part of the Mass, heightening their appreciation for the liturgy and playing an active role of the faithful.

    Altar servers process at Mass before the priest, carrying the cross, both at the beginning of Mass and at the conclusion.  They assist at both Saturday and Sunday Masses.  They also assist the celebrant by holding the lectionary, carrying the gifts offered by the faithful to the altar, providing water, wine and purificators for the consecration.  Servers can assist with incense and with holy water distribution to parishioners.  Two servers are scheduled for each Mass.  Altar Servers wear white albs with rope cincture in seasonal color, as well as a cross. 

    Training is provided.

    Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

    These ministers have a unique opportunity to assist at Mass.  The sharing of communion is a special moment for the minister and the receiver of the Body and Blood of Christ.  Through the sharing of the Body and Blood Catholics acknowledge the new covenant that Jesus instilled at the last supper.  It also witnesses to our faith in the Real Presence of Christ in the Most Holy Eucharist.  This ministry should, therefore, be treated with the utmost dignity and reverence.

    Ministers scheduled for a Mass should arrive early so that they can prepare spiritually.  


    Readers of the Word, share in a sacred process in the life of the church.  In sacred scripture the church constantly finds her nourishment and her strength, for she welcomes it not as human word, but as what it really is, the Word of God.  Lectors proclaim the Word of God to the assembly.  Being a lector provides an opportunity to arrive at a deeper understanding of the scripture through their ministry.

    Preparation includes the spiritual and technical.  Spiritual preparation enables the reader to have an ability to understand the readings in context and to perceive the central point of the revealed message.  Technical preparation makes the reader more skilled in the art of reading publically.  Obviously this preparation requires effort.

    Training is provided for all new lectors in procedure, reading, choreography and use of the microphone.


    Ushers help before, during and after Mass.  They perform a significant variety of tasks which facilitate worship.

    Ushers arrive to mass early so that they can assist the faithful in finding seating.  They greet people warmly making them welcome.  Ushers set up additional chairs if needed during heavy tourist season.  They engage fans and air conditioning, as appropriate, for parishioner’s comfort.  They hand out “Order of Worship” programs and Bulletins.  They take up the one or two collections, as scheduled, during Mass, adhering to rigid procedures in the handling of money to ensure no malfeasance.  Ushers are available to assist the faithful in wheelchairs or otherwise needing assistance.  They are available in emergency situations to provide appropriate help.

    Anyone aged 13 or older is welcome to become an usher.  Training is provided.

    About the St. Theresa Music Ministry 

    “God has bestowed among his people the gift of song. God dwells within each human person…God, the giver of song, is present whenever his people sing his praises.”  -from Sing to the Lord-Music in Divine Worship 

    Alexandria Nicholl, Director of Music and Liturgy

    The primary focus of our music program is to support the assembly at liturgy in the singing of the hymns and responses, and to lift their hearts and minds through the great tradition and expanse of music that belongs to the Church.

    WE WELCOME and INVITE the experienced and the inexperienced; the youngest and the older; the fulltime resident and the part time resident. You are invited to be a part of this ministry.  Perhaps your voice is playing the violin or wind instrument? Percussion? Guitar? Is it time for you to be a better steward of the music gifts God has given you?

    We have several groups that lead our Eucharistic celebrations. Most of the groups combine for specials feasts and Holy Days. Below is a list and description of all the music program opportunities:

    Songs and acclamations for all Masses are mostly the same. (Even the Tongan choir has sung some LifeTeen music!) 

    Cantor Program- Men and women of high school age and older are invited to participate in this ministry. Singers are needed to lead the community's sung prayer during our celebrations. 

    Instrumentalists- As noted above, instrumentalists are welcomed and encoured to play at any of our celebrations.

    Youth Choir- We have a wonderful group of keiki who sing for our Christmas Eve Mass, but we would like to expand this program to other times of the year as well. Be on the lookout for the next rehearsal! 

    Tongan Choir/Cantor-5:30pm Saturday

    Our Tongan community leads the singing most Saturdays of throughout the year. You will always hear a Tongan hymn somewhere in the Liturgy. They are a powerful and melodious group singing both a cappella and with instrument accompaniment.     

    Filipino Choir/Cantor-7:00am Sunday

    The St. Theresa Filipino Catholic Club is a most dedicated group that has filled a need for our early morning Mass. You do not have to be Filipino to sing in this lively, welcoming group, but a willingness to learn the language in song is a must! You will nearly always be blessed to sing a hymn in a Filipino language each week.

    Mele No Ka Oli Choir/Cantor-9:30am Sunday

    Comprised of experienced and not-so experienced singers, guitar, ukelele and bass,  this choir reflects the diversity of the parish community at large. ALL ages are welcome to 'sing for joy!'  

    Life Teen/Cantor - 5:30pm Sunday

    Led by Frank Chargualaf, a more contemporary sound fills the church for the Sunday evening Mass complete with rhythm, guitars and keyboard. They practice 1 ½ hours before mass.

    Alex's picks. Music to Soothe your Soul during this time. Click here to listen through OneDrive.


    Alex Nicholl

    808-879-4844 ext. 28

  • Bereavement Committee

    When a Catholic dies, the Church celebrates a Christian Funeral Vigil and Mass with them.

    Members of the ministry are present with a listening heart to those dealing with the death of a loved one. This committee attempts to serve the bereaved in a compassionate, spiritual and effective way.  Grief can take many forms including mental, physical, social and emotional.  This ministry attempts to be compassionate and supportive, while providing and walking the bereaved through the appropriate church services.

    The family of the deceased is asked to make contact with the church before making any funeral arrangements with the mortuary.  To best assist the family through the understanding and expression of our belief in eternal life and to help pray for the loss of our loved one, we ask that the family make an appointment with the Bereavement coordinator / team.

    Matters to be discussed:

    • Confirm the Presider’s availability for date/s for Vigil service, Funeral Mass, and Burial
    • Meet with the Coordinator  and available bereavement members to help with the grieving process and for the Preparation for a Christian Funeral Service
    • Plan the Liturgy involving family participation: eulogy (said before Mass), altar server/acolyte, music, choosing the readings and lectors, greeters, Extraordinary ministers, and gift bearers.
    • Prepare an order of worship for the Mass
    • Secure an organist/choir

    Organizing what needs to be set up:

    • Tables to be used in Church for: (If full body) Christian symbols, Pall, Gospel, and Crucifix, and if Urn, picture, and leis.
    • Set up Paschal Candle near coffin / urn
    • Set up for Mass: Vessels and books
    • Set up Holy Water bucket / incense
    • Provide tables and table cloths for greeting and love offering box.
    • Set up easels for poster boards
    • Place small trash receptacles and tissue in front pews
    • Set up projector and screen if requested
    • Set up tables and table cloths for outside- refreshments
    • Set up Hall for luncheon

    After the coordinator meets with the family or friends the family will go over and select suggested readings for the Vigil and the Funeral Mass and schedule another meeting with the coordinator, then the Bereavement Committee will deploy, along with the Coordinator, to make the agreed upon arrangements.


    Jenny Gutierrez


  • Catechist Ministry

    Instituting the Ministry of Catechist 

    Pope Francis has announced that the role of catechist will now be recognized as a formal instituted ministry in the Church! While many, if not most Catholics, already considered the role of catechist to be a ministry, the Pope’s announcement in the apostolic letter Antiquum Ministerium raises it to a level of official recognition by the Church as an instituted ministry.

    The Pope’s letter making the role of catechist an official ministry in the Church is not a “legalization” of the ministry for lay catechists, nor is it a pat on the head for lay catechists. It is a recognition and affirmation of the vocation shared by countless numbers of lay people and is intended to advance the Church’s mission, contribute to the transformation of society, make the Church more present and fruitful in the world, renew the pastoral activity of the Church, heighten the need for quality catechist formation, and emphasize the missionary commitment of all the baptized.

    Come, walk in faith with your brothers and sisters in Christ!


    Karen Powers

    808-879-4844 ext. 25

  • Prayer Ministers

    Prayer Ministers

    Our prayer ministers are available to pray with individuals after Mass in the front of the church. 

    If you have the gifts of listening and intercession, please contact Alex at for more information. 

  • Faith Formation

    We are excited to invite you to Family Faith Formation where families become community through catechesis, discussion, prayer, activities and fun!  Our goal is to encourage discussion within families about their Catholic faith in their daily lives. Families meet once a month on a Sunday between the morning masses at 8:15am. 


    En español aquí

    contact: Karen 808-879-4844

    Parent/Student Handbook VIEW HERE

    Safe Environment Training for all grades available on the Diocesan Website HERE


  • Middle School & High School Youth Ministry

    Middle School and High School Youth Ministry

    As a Eucharist-centered movement within the Catholic Church, EDGE/Life Teen leads teenagers and their families into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church. 

    STC Youth Group includes 6th - 12th grades and meets Wednesday nights from 6:30pm to 7:45pm as scheduled in the Youth Room. 


    Safe Environment Training Resources HERE


    Karen Powers

    808-879-4844  x  25


  • Young Adult Ministry (E.P.I.C.)

    This ministry is aimed towards young adults ages 18 - 39. St. Theresa's parish is part of EPIC's Young Adult Ministry. EPIC (Ever Present In Christ) ministry started on Oahu and the Maui chapter followed about five years later.

    EPIC's goal is to EMPOWER young adults to follow CHRIST through spiritual, social, and service paths.

    All are welcome! Feel free to bring a friend to any of the activities, or just come and meet a few new friends!

    Follow us on Facebook:

    @EPICministrymaui - Maui's Public Group Page

    @EPICministry - Oahu's Facebook Page

    Follow us on Instagram:




    Cecilia Jacinto

    St. Theresa Office (808) 879-4844


    Check us out:

  • Hispanic Ministry

    Acerca de este ministerio

    Debido a que Maui tiene una población hispana significativa, muchos de los cuales tienen un inglés limitado, la iglesia intenta dirigirse a esta población con un sacerdote hispano.


    Santa Teresa, Cristo Rey y María Lanakila comparten un sacerdote hispano. Este sacerdote reside y tiene su oficina en St. Theresa. Dice misa en cada una de las tres parroquias al menos una vez por semana. Está muy involucrado con todos los hispanos en la isla, lidiando con la gran cantidad de problemas especiales de esta comunidad.

    El Rev. Ornoldo Cherrez celebra misa en español en St. Theresa los sábados por la noche a las 7:00 PM.

    About This Ministry

    Because Maui has a significant Hispanic population, many of whom have limited English, the church attempts to address this population with a Hispanic Priest.


    St. Theresa, Christ The King and Maria Lanakila share one Hispanic priest.  This priest resides and has his office at St. Theresa.  He says Mass at each of the three parishes at least weekly.  He is very involved with all Hispanics on island, dealing with the myriad of special issues of this community.

    Rev. Ornoldo Cherrez celebrates Mass in Spanish at St. Theresa on Saturday evenings at 7:00 PM.


    Rev. Ornoldo Cherrez

    879-4844  x  33


  • Hale Kau Kau Ministry

    Hale Kau Kau

    Feeding with Compassion and Aloha

    About This Ministry

    Hale Kau Kau, “House of Meals”, was founded by a diverse group of South Maui individuals in 1991, and still continues this service today at Saint Theresa Church. Our mission: To alleviate hunger by providing nutritious meals to the hungry and homebound in a safe, loving, and supportive environment.

    Every night of the year we serve a free, hot, nutritious meal unconditionally—no questions asked—to anyone who comes to our kitchen at meal time.

    Every night of the year we deliver a free, hot, nutritious meal to our in need elderly, ill, and disabled homebound clients in South Maui.

    In collaboration with Keolahou Hawaiian Congregation Church, we also distribute weekly food baskets and emergency food supplies to families in crisis. 

    Fundraising is a major challenge.  To donate directly to the Hale Kau Kau program please click here.

    Who Pays for This Program?

    • Grants from the County of Maui, local foundations and businesses
    • Financial donations from organizations and individuals, Saint Theresa Church and other local churches
    • Donations of food, supplies, equipment, and services provided by local businesses
    • Fundraising events such as:
    • Annual Dinner Show and Auction Event
    • Mulligans on the Blue Annual Charity Golf Tournament
    •  Hotel and Lodging Industry Charity Walk
    •  Discounted food from Maui Food Bank
    •  Partnerships with local businesses such as retailers, growers, wholesalers and many, many more

    Our mainstay for funding, however, is monetary donations from YOU, our many generous friends of Hale Kau Kau.


    How You Can Support Hale Kau Kau

    • Volunteer to be a Kitchen Helper or Pick Up/Delivery Driver
    • Offer your clerical skills to support staff
    • Join a Fundraising Committee
    • Become a donor of money, food, goods or services

    Hale Kau Kau Website HERE

  • Finance Council

    The Finance Council provides advice and assists the pastor in the administration of the temporal goods of the parish.  The council is to meet at least quarterly.  Members of the council commit to:

    • Fulfilling their duties in a sound legal and moral manner
    • Functioning with a concern for Christian justice and concern for those in need
    • Maintaining confidentiality
    • Studying the social teachings of the Church, especially in regard to labor issues.

    The council is guided by the following interrelated canonical principles:

    • Respect for the intention of the donor governing parish financial expenditures and the administration of the church property
    • The treatment of the parish as a distinct entity in regard to financial transactions and property issues.

    Council members are provided access to relevant diocesan norms in regard to:

    • Accounting and financial procedures
    • Personnel and payroll issues
    • Planning and Building Commission directives
    • Risk management, contracts, insurance and liability issues.

    The council is to have access to:

    • All records and documents relating to financial status and operational issues
    • Information regarding the status of all employees
    • Information regarding the condition of buildings and property
    • All contracts

    The council is to:

    • Work collaboratively with the Pastoral Council
    • Provide financial advice to the staff, ministries and associations
    • Make themselves available to parishioners so that they might bring up matters of concern
    •  Act in accord with the will of the pastor, with the right to express opinions to the bishop in matters of concern.

    Duties of the Finance Council include:

    • Providing advice in the preparation of the annual budget
    • Conducting quarterly reviews of financial records
    • Providing an annual financial report to the bishop
    • Providing an annual report to parishioners
    • Inspecting the annual safety inspection
    • Reviewing an annual inventory of property
    • Assisting the pastor in preparing a three year financial plan
    • Advise the pastor in matters regarding stewardship and development


    At St. Theresa the Finance Council consists of from five to nine members, who meet monthly.  They are very active in reviewing regular financial reports including capital expenditures.  Together with the Business Manager they:

    • Produce an annual budget for the parish and the diocese
    • Produce a detailed annual report including finances, ministries and stewardship for the parish
    • Ensure that regular weekly offertory reports are provided to the parish

    Work closely with the Building and Planning Committee monitoring property issues.


    Fr. Arnel Soriano


  • Pastoral Council

    Our parish council brings together lay people and religious who, together with the pastor, work jointly to building the parish as a living Christian community.  Through prayer and reflection, faith sharing, planning and action, the parish pastoral council is the place where ministries or services are brought forth that are needed for the growth of our living parish community.

    The Pastoral Council is a consultative and advisory body rooted in prayer, faith sharing and study:

    • Examines and considers all that relates to pastoral work of the parish, the needs and concerns, gifts and resources of the whole parish, its members and the broader community in which it ministers.  The council proposes practical, concrete recommendations giving guidance to the pastor concerning the ongoing life and mission of the parish and community.
    • Creates and sustains a mission statement for the parish and periodically evaluates and revises it.
    • Engages in the ongoing process of pastoral planning to access parish needs, determines priorities and options for meeting those needs.
    • Develops policies that serve to carry out the parish mission.
    • Monitors and evaluates the effectiveness of existing programs.
    • Reflects on diocesan pastoral policies and recommends how they can be implemented in the parish.

    The pastor and pastoral council guide, empower and oversee the parish community by Identifying, prioritizing and evaluating goals and objectives in the seven essential elements of parish life:

    1. Evangelization – spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ, especially through personal and communal sharing of faith.
    2. Worship – communal witness to the sovereignty of God, the abiding presence of Jesus Christ, and the power of The Holy Spirit at work in the church.
    3. Word – deepening of faith from the sharing of God’s word, which takes place in a variety of ways and in multiple contexts within the life of the Church.
    4. Community – drawing parishioners together in mutual support, activity, celebration and growth.
    5. Service – being of service to others in need through works of charity and justice.
    6. Stewardship – embracing stewardship as an expression of discipleship with the power to change how we understand and live our lives.  A steward is one who: -Receives God’s gifts gratefully.        -Cherishes and tends them in a responsible  and accountable manner.                       -Shares them in justice and love with all        -Returns them with increase to the Lord
    7. Leadership – leading the parish in ongoing discernment and realization of its mission.


    St. Theresa’s parish has an active and vibrant Pastoral Council.  The council meets monthly.  It is comprised of 9 – 12 lay men and women representing a cross section of the parish.  Ex officio members include the Pastoral Associate and the Finance Committee Chair.

    The council has devoted time to developing our parish mission.  The council expresses the mission three ways:  

    1) Parish Motto – Rooted in Jesus, we love and serve others

    2) Mission Statement

            a. St. Theresa of Kihei, a Catholic community called to be disciples of Jesus, seeks to:

                -Faithfully model Jesus according to His Word

                -Become a welcoming, loving and caring community

                -Grow in our faith and spirituality through Eucharist, the sacraments, prayer and study

                -Put faith into action through full and active participation in our parish and community

                -Practice stewardship in our parish and community

    3) Our Calling:

            a. Model Jesus

            b. Become community

            c. Grow in our faith and spirituality

            d. Put faith into action

            e. Practice Stewardship

    The council has developed a Strategic Plan with a focus on stewardship and faith formation.

    • Faith Formation – a committee of the Pastoral Council has been formed for faith formation.  This group is fostering the creation of a venue for a deeper relationship with God through activities like retreats and the formation and support for small groups.
    • Stewardship – a committee of the Pastoral Council has been formed for stewardship to         - Study stewardship
    • Develop a plan for fostering it within the parish
  • Filipino Catholic Club

    About This Organization

    This is a statewide organization devoted to:

    • Supporting the church
    • Building fraternal bonds through social, religious, educational and athletic activities
    • Reaching out to meet community needs through programs of charity and service
    • Providing comfort and assistance to sick and needy members
    • Supporting active participants in various ministries and programs at St. Theresa Church
    • Working with other church organizations and especially with the Maui Council of Filipino Catholic Clubs, Diocesan Congress of Filipino Catholic Clubs and Filipino Catholic Clubs in other parishes.

    St. Theresa has a large and very active Filipino Catholic Club.

    This club built the beautiful stage in our courtyard.  It is used for outdoor masses and other occasions.

    The club sponsors an Annual Flores de Mayo Festival Celebration of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  Queen candidates run by collecting funds.  Queens and Princesses participate in the County Fair.   These funds raised support college scholarships.

    The St. Theresa Club also participates in the Annual County Barrio Festival.

    In addition our club facilitates the Annual Misa de Gallo 9 Days Mass and Novena before Christmas.



    Juvy Hernandez


  • Knights of Columbus

    The Knights of Columbus is an organization of approximately 1.7 million men around the world.  Organized in 1882, the Knights have embodied the selflessness of men as it has helped overcome adversity around the world.  Knights are men of faith, guided not only by their belief in God and the Catholic Church, but by their belief in each other.  Knights are dedicated to making a difference and building a future.  It is through five key areas of service – faith, community, family, youth and fellowship – that Knights make a difference.  Faith is their foundation.  Dedicated to the Catholic Church’s growth and her good works, they support religious outreach and promote vocations in an effort to strengthen the faith that unites them.

    As committed as they are to their faith, so are they to building their families and communities.  Knights serve as valuable role models for other Catholic men as well as mentors for all children.

    St. Theresa Parish has an active group of Knights.  They meet monthly.  They sponsor fundraising activities, like Sunday Brunches and Lent Fish Fries to raise money for projects at St. Theresa’s parish.

    The Knights are participating in the Wheelchair Foundation, a national organization.  This organization began by raising funds for and distributing wheelchairs to Afghanistan.  Now regular distributions go to Mexico, the Caribbean, the Middle East, Africa and Asia.  The foundation also distributes wheelchairs to US  Veterans.


    Wesley Barut 



  • Tongan Catholic Community

    The Tongan Community participates extensively at St. Theresa.  They are consistently available to assist in projects involving building, maintenance, repair and decoration.  They recently built a new stage in the courtyard.  They have done many cement projects.  They built the beautiful stone wall surrounding the property.  They decorate the grounds and the church for Easter and Christmas. This is a sharing, caring community.


    Lani Tolutau


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